Main > Auckland > coast to coast
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A grassy bowl below the top of One Tree Hill, where someone's been taking advantage of some scattered stones.. This taken looking west, so it's the southern bay off to the left of the shot.
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Auckland downtown from the top of One Tree Hill.
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The obelisk on the top of One Tree Hill. The tree itself has been gone for a few years now, sadly.
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Sunset over West Auckland, from the wharf in Onehunga. It almost looks like there's a fire off in the distance.
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Reflections of the sunset in the water.
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Sunset over West Auckland, from the wharf in Onehunga. It almost looks like there's a fire off in the distance.
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I couldn't resist it..
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Some shots from the Coast to Coast Walk. Click here for a video of the walk, taken at 1 frame every 30 seconds.
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