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Pod of dolphins, Rangitoto in the background.
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Shiny rails on the ship, too pretty to miss.
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Birds plummeting into the water to catch the fish that the dolphins have rounded up. When looking for dolphins, the crew actually watch for the birds, they being a lot easier to see.
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More diving birds. Apparently they'll get down to 80' or so below the surface in one dive.
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I can't remember what this was, so I won't embarrass myself by trying to guess. Not a gull, though, I'm pretty sure.
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Dolphins alongside the boat.
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The captain taking a pause to try and call to the dolphins. Apparently they can hear that sort of thing better than you'd think, and they like being paid attention to.
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More dolphins alongside the boat.
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They'll actually ride the wake in front of the boat at times; they never get hit, though it's rather unnerving to watch.
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More dolphins narrowly avoiding being run over.
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On the way back to shore, here's the people that were on the trip. Mondays seem to be a good day to do 'stuff', because there's normally not hordes of people trying to do the same thing.
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Dolphin watching (and we tried to swim with them, but the dolphins just hustled out of there as soon as we got into the water -- and there's no way we were going to catch up to them swimming..), May 5th 2003.
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