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The old Auckland hospital; it's high enough up that it's visible from a long way away. No idea why it has such a huge smokestack next to it -- maybe there's a really nasty furnace somewhere in there.
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The tree under which Julia did her post-run stretching until the ground became too damp for that sort of thing. Weird how it looks like the hospital (top right) is falling into the earth..
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The War Museum.
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Lovers Walk, an alternative way to the top of the Domain to the Centennial Pathway. It's impressive how un-park-like it feels here, they've done a good job of letting it get back to nature. (or at least faking it well enough to fool the likes of me).
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Further up, there's more of a real path.
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A flower somewhere in the Domain.
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It's hard to tell if this flower is meant to have these blotches on it -- it looks like it's being eaten by fungus/insects/something, but they all seem perfectly healthy otherwise.
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The Centennial Pathway that leads from the bottom of Stanley St up into the domain. It's a lot steeper than it looks in this shot, and even when walking on it -- the trees aren't vertical enough to give any sense of slope, it's just when you get to the top and are exhausted that you realise it..
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Assorted shots from the Auckland Domain
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