Main > Auckland > m j savage walk
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I think this is Pohukatawa, but I may be wrong.
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Dead trees growing (well, not any more) out of a salty swampy area we passed.
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Pampas grass comes in two colours -- normally it's hard to notice this, because they tend to grow separately, but here's the two together.
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Me by the fountain at Mission Bay.
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Rangitoto, off in the distance, as ever.
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Julia looking out over the water.
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Me looking out over the water.
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Some shots from a walk we took to the M J Savage memorial park.

It used to be known as Bastion Point, which caused me no end of confusion when I was trying to find a place to fly kites; I knew Bastion point was what I wanted, but none of the maps use that name any more..

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