Main > Auckland > night shots
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Sky City, a large
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Mid City Mall. Reflection is a poster for the upcoming Hulk movie..
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The Sky Tower, still the tallest building in Auckland -- for a change, they haven't built any bigger office buildings yet, and it's also on the top of one of the numerous hills around here.
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Light trails; XA on ultrapod on the ground, which, while a pain to see through the viewfinder, does make for a more dramatic shot than I'd expected.
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More light trails further up the hill.
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Baptist Tabernacle at the top end of Queen St, the Sky Tower glowing through the clouds in the background.
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Locksmith halfway up Queen St. Hand-held at around 1/8th; the XA is excellent for that sort of thing.
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The Sky Tower behind the clock tower at the Town Hall.
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The Town Hall. XA on ultrapod on top of a bin..
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Auckland by night. Files beginning with 'XA' shot with, unsurprisingly, an olympus XA; others with OM2S+50/1.4.
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