Main > Auckland > sky tower
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Albert Park from above; the white circle in the middle of the shot is the fountain there.
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Our building's the yellow one two to the left of AUT, which is in the bottom right.
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Closeup on our building. The very corner of our balcony is just visible, though we're actually on the back of the building from this angle. (fifth floor, just above the rood of the building to the right of us).
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Dad's hotel is the pink building just to the right of the university of Otago.
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Many, many boats not being sailed anywhere.
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View out to Devonport.
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Dad says hi.
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Strange curved roof, and a weird little old pink tower -- there's a neat mix of old and new in Auckland, but it's hard to know that without seeing it from the right angle.
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Some views down from the Sky Tower
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