Main > Photography > Macro work
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A sparkly ball; for scale, see here.
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Windup clockwork toy which dances.
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Small metal clockwork hen.
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Diamond ring; I was using bike lights to illuminate it, and it's interesting to see how much more yellow they are on film than they looked when taking the shots.
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Close-up on a spinning holographic disk; this is pretty much what it looks like at a distance, there's just more of it there.
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Again, 65-116 tube + flash. It's nice to be able to get close enough that it becomes difficult to identify what the picture actually is -- in this case, one of the petals of a flower.
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Same subject + kit as previous image.
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Closeup on a leaf; using 65-115 tube and off-camera flash handheld on the far end of a TTL cable. Came out surprisingly well, if I'm honest.
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This was taken using a Vivitar 55mm macro lens; it'll let you get up to 1:1 which is plenty for puffy flowers like this one, and it stays nice and sharp too.
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Again, using 65-116 tube and flash. Flash is a big help here, because it let me open the aperture enough to get a decent depth of field without needing to use a tripod to get a steady enough shot.
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Some macro shots; all taken with Olympus OM-2SP and a variety of extension tubes.
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