Main > Trip > disneyland
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electrical parade
electrical parade
california adventure
california adventure

Not all of Disneyland is shiny and new -- some bits could definitely do with a bit of re-painting.. (this is a column you pass when queueing for the Alice in Wonderland ride)
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Me and Mickey!
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Julia and Mary Poppins. (wonky because I scanned it from the index print after sending the original off somewhere)
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The exit from Disneyland at night; lots of lit-up signs, but I mostly liked the pattern of light on the ground.
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Yes, this is the right way up.
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Main street at night -- there's a _lot_ of lights in Disneyland..
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New Orleans Square at night -- again, they light the heck out of everything as soon as it gets dark.
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Pirates of the Caribbean! It's surprising how little light you can get away with if you're careful -- this on Fuji 400 pushed to 1600 and the 50/1.4 wide open. It's dark in there even to the naked eye, so I'm pleased I even got this much.
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I'm not entirely sure what's going on in this shot, but I liked all the different colours..
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Everywhere you look, they've done something to make it look nice -- this is a train sitting on the side of the main lake you sail around on the steamboat.
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It's A Small World by night; once again, huge amounts of light. I shudder to imagine what their electricity bill must be like.
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The Tom Sawyer adventure island. Despite the fairly large numbers of people there, it didn't feel crowded at all -- I can't imagine what it must be like in peak season, though.
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Us with the only Donald Duck-related bit of merchandise we could find anywhere. Donald gets no play these days, it seems.
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Us in front of the Magic Castle. One of the few shots of us both not taken by me at arms length..
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Us with Mickey and Minnie dressed as bride and groom. (I wonder if Mike and Eileen had these at their wedding?)
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The Happiest Place On Earth
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