Main > Trip > moorea
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This is what we mostly saw on Moorea, a road heading off towards who knows what.
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Me keeping my head from getting too sunburned.
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More roads; on Bora Bora the road was right by the coast, so you at least had a view -- on Moorea, it was far enough inland that all you could see was big hedges with expensive houses or hotels on the other side.
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Pretty flowers.
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Julia in full Lonely Planet mode.
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Julia has a beer, after an awful lot of trekking down the road trying to find somewhere that would rent us bicycles so we could go for a ride. No luck, and it was a hot day, so when we finally got to a little cafe, we really needed a cold drink.
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Wild chickens. There's a lot of them around, weirdly. Presumably they get eaten / used for eggs or something.
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Hills from the waterside -- there's very little habitation anywhere except on the coast, and this is basically why.
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The ship.
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Random bay somewhere on the edge; the boat was parked further in, this is us sailing off.
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Some peak off in the distance.
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Moorea. I have absolutely zero idea where on the island we were, they made it as difficult to work out as they possibly could without blindfolding us..
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