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One day during the winter of 2000, we headed off to Spray Lakes to go kiteskiing. We found three things:   No wind.   The lake was about 20 feet below the road alongside it.   There was about five feet of fresh powder everywhere.  The first guy to get there had taken advantage of this and built a small kicker at the bottom of the slope. While normally I'm relatively wussy about jumps, the huge piles of fluffy powdery snow made it next to impossible to hurt myself..
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See previous comment. This would normally be rather outside my range of attempted jumps. (as you can see by the notable lack of style..)
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Note the range. That's a long way..
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Dumb humour, always the best.. Still, good of them to be so upfront about the quality of their drugs, I suppose.
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That's me on the upper right, on The Texas Giant, a large roller-coaster at Six Flags Over Texas. Despite appearances, I love this sort of thing -- I just don't think so at the time..
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Miscellaneous shots that don't really belong anywhere else; not particularly artistic, but they still should go somewhere.
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